i would like to do something like this:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details or something like this:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3...
Can anyone help me make my name glow for a screenshot i have seen a bunch of these types of things and i was woundring if anyone knew how
Nice map i love how it is up in the air and that you can get knocked off the edge and also fall if the pallet breaks. AWESOME MAP
This map is tight the banked turns and evreything is awesome.
This is a very creative map with the saucers shooting there bombs and all that stuff.
That is awesome
Funny descriptions ill download
Dude this map is tight
Dude nice i love these types of race maps ill donwload it
Look good ill download it and give it a try
Look tight ill download and try it out
Nice map i am lovin the forts
Looks cool i have never done one before so i will try it out
yes i love mazes i have beat everyone one that i have done if anyone has some send me a message GT: Reaper678
Looks ok ill download and try it out
This map looks tight ill download
Look pretty good and i agree with wii60 owner
No acually i slept right through it and in the after shock i didnt feel a thing
looks like u could make a good map out of this
I think that isolation is a pretty good map and i usually do good on it. I just sometimes get tired of the open sometimes