No none can stop the train, I don't know maybe Carmine will die again.
Land Shark Launcher from Armed and Dangerous [IMG]
They could hang him upside down, and ever now and again give him food and he will die eventually. Also that is messed up.
The mafia just got a bit more creative then cement shoes.
Yeah I beat the story and I am still playing it for all the stuff to get, and there is a lot to get. Multiplayer is fun as long as you talk to the...
Gears, I liked the single player for the first 10 minutes. The multiplayer you ether dominant or lose epicly, no medium. Rainbow Six Vegas, lots...
Well rick, I must agree this map is indeed sexy. I hope it is better then the original one which was good, looks rock solid. The addition of...
Ok, good first post. Refreshing to see a map not on foundry or DlC, very nice racetrack. The gate is a good idea and for a last resort race track...
I played it a lot a long time ago but the last time I played it was before Halo 3 came out, I liked using mods, I made some as well.
I would want Duke Nukem Theme by Megadeth, The Trooper by Iron Maiden and Wish You were Here by Pink Floyd.
OK first off it is low quality, secound the beer is cut out very poorly and sticks out so much. The arms are ok the background is rather bland and...
Not to bad but without the title I wouldn't really get it.
Very well done the background is a bit blurry for my tastes just kind of takes away from the sig. Other wise very well done.
OK some one went mad with the sharpen filter, background dosen't flow to much the sig is going one way and the guy another. Also the black outline...
Not bad but it is just a bit bland the background is well blurred not to much, the links add to it. Not that bad also hope you are unwarned soon.
Under the radar is a were I buy games, good game like Mercenaries 1, Jet Set Radio, Time Splitters, other stuff. I really played the game no one...
Ok let me start off by saying the animation is ok, one thing is on a scan bar never put a name or emblem it looks bad. The background is not much...
Very dark hard to really see what is going on, also the left half is mostly black. Try to get some more in there, the lighting or what ever is...
Well I return bringing good news, after a quick local playtest and a good forge through, I found this map to be very good. The design of your...
Needs moar interlocking, just kidding. It looks very nice for last resort and proves that gameplay matter more then the map. It looks good but...