The life of a Spartian... I have always wanted to be a Gymnist... [IMG] I love my...
oh yea the walls are 4 high, one lvl is below and three are gojng up so hig the monitor cant even get out once in.
sadly it is not set up for a ffa only team slayer(not recommended, if you play u will see what i mean), team king and team oddball....also the...
Just an FYI i did not say before, this is the only map that i have gotten a +95% enjoyment rating from random in other words thhis has...
It is really small and enclosed so it is really hard to get any decient pic from it
pic should now work i embeded them through photo bucket like told If you enjoy small Team Oddball or Team King then this is the map for you. This tight... The objective of this map is to con trol the top of the tower. Simple? With 4...
Yea after i made the thread i THEN decided to look at the guide...stupid me then relized that i had made a error and will remake accordingly...see...
To keep this simple i will place screens of all that i have described above after i get off work in like 4-5 hrs. There will be 4-5 each. IF THE LINK DOSE NOT WORK SEARCH BUNGIE.NET AND GAMERTAG --Ssor22 This is a...
sorry comp messed up the other stread is the one that is clearly describes the map the maps that i am talking about and screens will be comming...