I'm all for the right to bear arms. i live in El Paso, which is right on the border with Juarez, Mexico. The recent drug wars have contributed to...
flight for sure, i mean besides the other real life reasons people have put what would you rather have in a game of halo, active camo or go into...
I disagee. Fox is no more a "yellow journalist" than any other major news network. The rest of the media is very liberal (the american definition...
By definition marrige is a union between a MAN and a WOMAN, not two men or two women. If gays would like to live together and share eachothers...
I seem to been a little vague on the topic. I meant to compare the differences between socialist states (communism being an extreme form) and...
Although Capitalism has recently emerged as the dominant system in the last couple years many still advocate the Socialist system. While Communism...
sorry didnt mean to spam anything. i wont let it happen again
it does look destroyed, but i think that some movable stuff thrown around would work beter.
the pics dont show enough of the map for me to see the total floorplan in my head. i like the first pic though. it looks real neat
The unlimeted budget glitch will fix your money problem, but since this is an older map i'll assume that you posibly made thhis map before it was...
This map does not meet Forgehub standards. please post pictures and a description.
Hi, I would like to sugest an event on forge hub that would coencide with the Summer Olymics in this year. Forge hub could host a halo olymics...
just wondering, if its supposed to be off the ww1 battle wouldnt the name be spelled verdun? still a very tidy looking map, good job