Not really about the no life part, when you do quick scope someone you get a feeling that you just completely destroyed somebody :) How does it...
Yeh basically Intervention = pwn close range Barrett = pwn Long range Both pwn =Medium Range
Barrett vs Intervention I use both snipers, a awful lot in fact I've mastered both of them, I also do a lot of quick scoping. Sniper...
If u had a gravity lifts set out like this would stuff hover in the middle? --v > s < --^ <>^v = gravity lifts s = a object
wow amazing, and it's playable this should be featured On to the map: Nice geomerging and a good use of interlocking. I like the bit where the...
This is my new one. PORTAL: [img]
Here are mine their not very good (there a .gif) [IMG]
You guys have absolutely no sense of humor
Trust me this is funny [IMG]
ok I'll put some good ones up next time
Here they are [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Comment an rate please.
Amazing map I love the elevator and the way you put the doors on it to Game play is brilliant one of the best maps Ive seen in ages
I say No2 cause he was working on the ghost and could splattered him also there is no bullet marks anywhere
I do, i didn't relise sorry
cool might dl like the map it is nice
Love the bit about the ducks Will download soon
looks good not downloaded sadly
looks good might DL good interlocking do you stay spinning around in circles or do you stay on the spot unless you walk by the wall
looks good brill interlocking like it
i love this map ive played to death with me mates offline