um just played your map and it plays great but the bomb spawns outside sometimes and therefore can't work right
me and a friend were trying to make a proper house roof but we are having some trouble cause we can't see to get it to work don't suppose anyone...
sounds like an interesting map to play on. the story itself could probably make a good machinima.
well you could actully make the tower fall with a bit of encouragement with exploding stuff like funsion coils or if that dosen't work you can put...
vips normally spawn at the start location of the team he or shes in at the beginning but it can be sync with team aswwel so the mogority of the...
ah thank you i guess in order is better than nothing then cheers for the help guys Edit:i can't seem to get the runtime max to 1 its stuck on 2
darn i was hoping to use this thery in my latest map i'm making to add a bit of stratagy to it. i almost had it though but the item kept spawning...
is it possible to make items spawn randomly between the place you put them for example place an active camo in one place and another one somewhere...