Yup...I'm old....been about 6 years since I logged on I think.
wow such a deep conversation from such a silly video....No but seriously...I know what you mean...the thing you have to remember is...this is the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7YXn-lfHXc& You have to watch the whole video....Id say hes better than Numa Numa
wow and I thought the recent decriminalization of Marijuana in Massachusetts was a big step. People are finally getting the right idea.
Amazing movie...if people got sick during this movie because of the camera....then your dumb... Anything that J.J. Abrams is apart of is...
Once again...amazing...I cant wait to see your spawn one. I was always amazed with your ability with spawns. The one map I remember is that swat...
RocketDock - Download RocketDock
that kid is wicked funny....talk about viral video...almost 7 million views in one week
i like to drink this stuff called liquid nitrogen....its pretty popular around here
o thats good i guess...you dont have to make it up at the end of the year mine was cancelled...it shouldnt have but they did...It was still...
Yeah...were hoping...Its supposed to start around midnight and go all day. They say its going to be a kind of freezing rain/snow mix. Im hoping...
wtf...i dont even know what to say
Dark Knight and Forgetting Sarah Marshall Forgetting Sarah Marshall is friggen hilarious. You may think its a chick flick but it is extremely...
Not going to lie...it was like I was playing fable II only worse...cause I wasnt playing it..just watching it...and it just built up to that one...
updated with the ones i thought were applicable. Thanks for finding new ones. Also Solo watch the double posting...or Quadruple posting for that...
Yeah i already have this one up there but i didnt know the talking while ill have to add it later. Also the random gesture one is cool..Ill have...
Yeah i actually spent a lot of time in the avatar creator and the picture taker area...Its a lot better than wiis...this one actually lets you...
I am Ephialtes, born of Sera! I beg you to let me battle in your army!
ha yeah i was thinking that someone would do that...kinda like the gun noises thing
As some of you may know, playing around with your avatar in the gamer picture screen and normal choose your eatures screen can be a lot of fun...