Trust me; if lowering guns was that important, they would do it. Bungie knows what's best for their game. Hey, for all w know, we could be working...
First of all, enabling lowering guns on xbox live would cause many problems and glitches (bxb/bxr). Second, do you really think that not playing...
That sounds cool.
No, it's meant to be special, if it was released, it would be useless.
Mark V Spartan.
These are the only things I know to do: *Clean your disc with rubbing alcohol (I swear to god it works) *Blow in the disc slot *Delete you...
Exactly. People are always saying,"I shot him in the head five times, and it didn't kill them! Stupid lag!," and I have to say,"You died because...
It's over played.
They do, but you can't see their noses under their armor. If you see a naked elite the have a nose. Well, I don't know if you could call it a...
The Halo 3 BR has more of a spread, making it less powerful over sniper-level-ranges. Basically, the Halo 3 battle rifle is more balanced.
I like the Halo 3 BR better, it's more balanced and not overpowered, which is really what MLG wants, right?
Yeah, I'm glad it's just not me.