eate me
I played on this map last nite, and it is AWESOME. it is highly addictive, and plays really well.
hay beans. we should play halo sometime.
yes, we did. it makes epic pics!
Actually Matty, I think Ducks have feathers...not fur. and we do have feathers, its just under our armor.
Here are the pics that i took last night. enjoy. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
ya know... there is such a thing as too mutch porn...i think Back on topic: net neutrality should stay, in my opinion
Every day i here of more Bullshit like this. If America keeps passing ****ing retarded laws and **** like this, this country will be fail
I am all for cloning, and here are my reasons: 1: It could be used to save thousands of lives. if you needed a new organ, they could clone you...
Opus-model 360s begining to flow? Posted Jun 18th 2008 1:30AM by Terrence Stasse Filed under: News [IMG] Thanks to a tipster in our last post,...
Here is a link to a video of cold storage in action. it is bad quality, but you can see a good bit of the map....
would this work? [IMG] Also if anyone likes this idea, feel free to make it. I would, but my xbox still isn't fixed. tell me what you think.
Wow, thanks Titmar. And the impossible just happened... THE BOX CAME!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully i will be playing on XBL in a month or so.
OK...about 2 months ago my Xbox decided to die on me, so i called Microsoft customer support and they said they would send me a box like they...
Awesome post. it feels good to have a map i helped on get featured.
A wile ago i was looking for a free version of photoshop because i am a little low on money. I found it! It is not illegal, because it is...
now i guess you you will have to play it to find out. (lolololololololololol)
thank you for all of your feedback. comments like this will motivate us to make more. ALSO........there is a surprise for anyone who likes to go...
[img] Does this help?
*off topic* wow, i am psyched that you like my map :squirrel_hug: . this is just the push i needed to finish and publish it! *back on topic* the...