Just made an account on the website. I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow, maybe get into a game or two.
Wait, really? Jeez I should hop on at some point...
Wow, too bad the Xbox version got abandoned... Looks interesting.
Wait, there's a competitive community for Murder Miners?
Report post revised. New things added, replaced, and updated.
One last thing I forgot to mention... In the Library where you drop down to sword the two gray side walls making the passageway need to be pushed...
Well if that's the case I will gladly do another run through... Update: * = New ** = Revised - The two front inclines next to the entrance of...
Yeah sorry for bugging you so much... lol. Now that all the holes are patched and polished I think this map has a strong chance of making an...
Update: He just messaged me saying an incline in bottom-mid needs to be pushed in a tiny bit. Pretty sure hes talking about the ramp to the right...
Right, so my friend found some things that need fixing but he's too lazy to make a ForgeHub account so I will just report them here... - The left...
On the platform where the sniper lies, the two columns that cut off at the end stick out more than the platform (I don't know if this is possible,...
One last inconsistency I found while walking around: If you're looking from shotty to the first ramp by the green windows, the block on the right...
New glitch found: If you clamber on the streetlight at the left corner bridge next to BR tower, you can thrust and ground-pound onto the cave side...
Just checked this map out and Iv'e got to say, it's exact. Literally no flaws accept the two street lights in the corner bridges behind BR tower...
This looks awesome! Now we need its brothers... lol