Added new textures to the front of the "house" further improved lighting
Edwardwoodward updated ENTRAPPED with a new update entry: 1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
- Added more Named locations (Blue/Red Sneaky and Top Nest) - Lowered railings slightly in the front window of the house to allow players to jump...
Edwardwoodward updated Entrapped with a new update entry: Version 1.1.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
Added Free for All intro scene improved lighting
Edwardwoodward updated Entrapped with a new update entry: Entrapped 1.1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
This looks great, i love the working lift to the sniper tower.
New to forging. Gamertag - Woodstar 22
Edwardwoodward submitted a new map: Entrapped - Entrapped, Small 1v1 Slayer map Entrapped is a small slayer map intended for 1 vs 1 Team slayer...
Entrapped my first Halo 5 forge map (and first forge map ever) It is a small slayer map intended for 1 vs 1 Team slayer or 4 player Free for All....