I'm looking for people to help me test my maps. I'll be releasing dozens of maps for Halo 5 over the next few months and I'll need people to...
Artisan submitted a new map: Praesidium - An advanced Spartan training facility. This map can be found in my Halo 5 fileshare as "RTSN:...
This map can be found in my Halo 5 fileshare as "RTSN: Praesidium" (GT: Rogue Artisan). YouTube Teaser: [MEDIA] Praesidium (pronounced...
Posting a new map right now!
For anyone interested, I setup a forge chat lobby on Pledge's Discord server. You can join the chatroom at: https://discord.gg/0jmsruYDNZTKL7YW
Artisan submitted a new map: RTSN: Flag Hockey Arena - An intensely fun game reminiscent of griffball, but with new mechanics and physics! RTSN:...
The map can be found in my H5 fileshare as "RTSN: Flag Hockey Arena"... GT: Rogue Artisan [MEDIA] Flag Hockey aka "RTSN: Flag Hockey Arena" is a...