Yea, the layout is the same. I really wanted to avoid something like "Conformity - Blue, Conformity - Orange." Furthermore, I thought throwing in...
If you can, I think this map would be absolutely lovely with some neat lighting put into some areas. Looks a tad bland at the moment, but a very...
CHANGELOG: V2.0 Widended upper walk ways Repositioned bases to upper level, built two ramps in each to get to the lower level. Expanded Lower...
OkayCobra updated Conformity, Discrepancy, & Lazarus with a new update entry: Conformity, Discrepancy, & Lazarus Read the rest of this update...
Elder Light showed up as I was nearly done on this already. Kronos too! :) Also very good pieces.
OkayCobra submitted a new map: Conformity & Discrepancy - Two Halo 4/5 Forerunner themed competitive maps, one blue, one orange. Forged By:...
VERSION 2.0 Forged By: OkayCobra On my Bookmarks Conformity An ancient Forerunner formation created to monitor Halo installation's allignments....
Very well done! I'm working on a competitive map with a very similar vibe!
This was tons of fun to build on. I really want to do more Forerunner things.
Thanks for the feedback, Insanity. I'm curious though, have you played the map with at least 4v4? Or was it just you and your friend looking...
OkayCobra submitted a new map: Treefall - An abandoned cliffside facility formed to study the Forerunner structure and its secrets. Created By:...
Created By: OkayCobra Treefall is an original, height-dynamic BTB and BTB CTF map primarily. Treefall is built on Alpine and attempts to...
OkayCobra submitted a new map: Slip Hazard - Created as a simulation for Spartan training in slippery conditions. Originally named "Meltdown",...
- By OkayCobra Originally named "Meltdown", but renamed because of my realization of Halo 4's 'Meltdown'. Slip Hazard is a fairly open, semi...