Update to 4.0 - Removed redundant pieces to save item budget - Used saved item budget to make map more forerunner/prettier - Added Storm Rifle /...
NutterB updated Sacellum with a new update entry: Sacellum v.4.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
NutterB updated Sacellum with a new update entry: Sacellum Read the rest of this update entry...
Update 3: - No longer just human theme, tried to detail the bases/ and towers with more rounder alien shapes - No more UNSC logos, expect the main...
NutterB updated Sacelium with a new update entry: Sacelium Read the rest of this update entry...
- No longer at Night Time [Day time just works better] - Initial spawn area for both bases is no longer visible on base ramps - Doors have been...
NutterB updated Sacelium with a new update entry: Update #2 Read the rest of this update entry...
Updated the map according to the feedback from everyone [here and live]. Did not like the name and received feedback to change it New map is now...
Remake of Shrine|Sanctuary; Map file is called: Sacellum Additional jumps/clamber areas added to refine the jumps available in previous...
NutterB updated Security with a new update entry: Sacelium Read the rest of this update entry...
NutterB submitted a new map: Security - Remake of Shrine/Sanctuary set on Glacier [UNSC park theme], with all appropriate jumps and additional...