Looking nice.
Nice map, make the cliffs around the map higher and a tiny bit of terrain up there to make it look like it's not floating in the middle of space....
Added: - Strongholds is now compatible with this map version! (Download from file share 'Fort Wars Strongholds') - Two towers on each Fort with...
Pastaroni updated Fortress Wars V 2.0 with a new update entry: Fortress Update Read the rest of this update entry...
It's not for slayer and it isn't out yet.
-Frostbite -Freezer -Freeze Over -Ice Mine
Thank you, I am new to this site.
Added: - Little Creepy Cabin - Fog is now grey and harder to see in - Added more Sound FX
Pastaroni updated Slender's Forest - PREVIEW with a new update entry: Map Update 1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Added: - Asteroid terrain around the map. - Little spots of lava below the map. - Added more light to Blue Base. - The easiest Easter egg to...
Use swords to destroy your enemy and capture their flag while trying to defend your own. DOWNLOAD THE Fortress Wars GAMETYPE AND MAP FROM MY...
Pastaroni updated Castle Wars with a new update entry: Castle Wars V 1.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
I'll fix it now. Also I can't wait to see what it'll turn out to be when it is finished as well. :D
Pastaroni submitted a new map: Slender's Forest - A little creepy forest filled with scary sound FX and fog This is the PREVIEW version of the...
[RELEASED] Immerse yourself in this creepy and dark forest where you run away from Slender. DOWNLOAD FROM MY FILESHARE!! GT - Furiou5 Cow
Still getting used to the new stuff (I don't know where anything is) :)
Please post any bugs or glitches here and I will fix them when I can,
Pastaroni submitted a new map: Castle Wars - A remake of the classic Castle Wars from Halo Reach. Use swords to destroy your enemy and capture...