This map looks like a lot of fun! You could probably make it so the "Doorways" are doors. Just interlock a Teleporter in the door facing away from...
Umm, yeah...This map is most certainly NOT Grifball. Grifball is Hammers and Swords only, and no other weapons. Plus the map is way too complex....
It's alright. Could use some improving, but I like the idea of the beds. I always just used a pallet and small barrel, but I like the barrier...
Looks cool. But, with most bots, the arms are at 90º angles, which is not as good as a 45º angle. Nice job though! P.S, Nice reference to Contact...
Mmmmm.....Garrys Mod.... Oh man. Im using a mac now and Im buying and building a PC mainly for Garrys Mod.
Lol, have you seen G-Mod? It is the best game evvvaaarr. My cousin has it and when I go to his house thats the first thing I get on. The orange...
Alright. Sorry, no more cake guys.
No, I didnt steal this map. Its really old
The cake is a LIE and I can save the companion cube. just threw around a few items and made them float. I could do this blindfolded. No offense, but I get the idea. You stopped...
Half life 2, episode 2. That left me screaming for vengance!
Kthanks. I was wondering because I have wow, but its the private server freebie that rocks and I wanted a mage because they are cool. Now should I...
Ok, which is better? A troll mage or a blood elf mage? Or on the alliance?
Where would the location be? Earth? Covenant? It would be on a space station with a grid that fits the boxes perfectly. What size map would you...
Ok, you guys dont need to say "Post pics" like 60 times. He said hes getting them up.
You could have tauros. CP-Charge Hammer-Tackle, giga impact Flare-sandstorm mauler-tail whip/blades-Horn attack
Dude, I love you. NOW MAKE PORTAL! With cake that you actually get. Or the battle with GLaDOS or a Companion Cube.
Very nice! Was it hard to put the ship at a slant?
Noooo! People are taking my cake! NOOOO! sadface.
Naw, thats it. Feel free to add on to it though.