Change list: - BR tower revamp - Green room shortened and cleaned up - Completely redone lift tower with proper ramps, jumps, and square shape -...
ViciousSubtlety updated Lockup with a new update entry: V2.3 Final Draft Read the rest of this update entry...
Really appreciate the feedback. New update will have complete CL with fixes to most of these as far as the name though at this point i'm...
*Clapping* Great work, adding to our customs rotation.
Yeah... already fixed that..
No idea, could be something in the future but your guess is as good as mine. I am no longer involved with H5.
Quick correction, I'm not a 343i developer, I was a QA tester. Just to clear the air :)
Forgot about the name conflict with the BTB map remake of standoff. Last and final change will be the new name of 'Lockup'. CL: Bottom mid had a...
ViciousSubtlety updated Lockup with a new update entry: Name/fine tuning changes Read the rest of this update entry... This should be the...
Looks like another name change is on the way... Forgot that the big team battle standoff remake had this name. With the new update coming...
Hey, if i could get my map 'Deadlock' added that'd be awesome. It's all setup for slayer and strongholds and has been tested a bit but I'm looking...
Changes: Upgraded ascetics Searchlights Sniper tower tweaks Lighting overhaul
ViciousSubtlety updated Deadlock with a new update entry: V2.0 "Deadlock" Read the rest of this update entry...
ViciousSubtlety updated Reminiscent with a new update entry: Reminiscent v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Updated map is in my bookmark/file share now! Same name, version "v1.1" added to description. I'd like to thank everyone for the great feedback,...
Now Available in the Content Browser Search for: Tag - VSUB -or- Player - ViciousSubtlety Lockup Formerly: "Reminiscent" Blackout/Lockout H5...
ViciousSubtlety submitted a new map: Reminiscent - Remake of Lockout/Blackout with H5 mechanics in mind. Appreciate any and all feedback....