well looks pretty awesome, and i love the tunnels, it gives it a nice look and feel
i still have the original one and love it, this is basically a must download for me!
looks cool but with minimal cover is it more of a vehicle map or also ppl runnin around it would also be helpfull if added something to the...
yea this is one of the sickest maps ive seen yet, awesome job 5/5
umm this does not meet the standards... especially since there is nothing here... no link even...
the map looks simple, but a good map doesnt need to be that complicated- Also consider putting some weapon spawns so the gameplay can be expanded...
this is totally, awesome- and it really opens the map up now that those pesky towers arent shooting me
looks very good, and just in time for Passover... lol
lol it is totally awesome, and looks that way too- the only thing is it isnt playable, but it is still pimped! 5/5
the object merging is a bit sloppy, but still good for your first map... try to describe the map a bit more it is lacking there it looks like...
this map looks totally awesome, and reminds me of my crazy pit map, but yours is better forged, which makes me want to supe mine up 4.5-5/5 awesome!
Ya i agree with ImI METAL ImI it does look like it could be a pretty sweet map and especially how he says the people are mean, people made me...
np and the koth sounds sweet!
looks pretty good, and btw is there an inside of the one big base?
map looks very cool and i love how you used the area no one else uses, the back room...
what can i say? omg these maps look amazing!
this looks totally sweet and i am definately downloading, ive played a few puzzle maps and yours not only looks the best but also the most...
ya you said what your maps are but you did not describe any of them at all and you did not even give your fileshare adress how could we even if we...
look likes a sweet map and a definate dl but the only suggestion i have is maybe make it better for multiple teams or ffa like make hill poits at...
well i saw a u-tube video of this bad boy, had to download, and it is pretty hard to fly, but look at the bright side YOU ARE FLYING AN ELEPHANT...