Custom games machinima option, free cam.
Adjusted various areas where blocks were extruded oddly. Also, made significant changes to forest side near sword room. Made the ramp leading up...
Riftzeh updated Garden with a new update entry: v1.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
Fixed areas aesthetically. This is all the updates I have for today, and will look into making slight changes again on the weekend. So if you have...
Riftzeh updated Garden with a new update entry: v1.4.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for the feedback! I will definitely look into some of these suggestions and make appropriate changes. :)
Added various weapons throughout the map due to a lack diversity in weapons when I played a game of slayer. There was only a BR and Carbine...
Riftzeh updated Garden with a new update entry: v1.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
I added various railings and fixed areas where pieces were out of place. Added more appropriate play space to the land piece right out side of the...
Riftzeh updated Garden v1 with a new update entry: Garden v1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
You make a good point. However, like I said, I wasn't rushing to be the first one here. I just wanted to share. I honestly never share my maps...
I suppose I just wanted to add some other mechanics to the map to fit Halo 5. I usually have a problem making rooms to big or too small compared...
Sorry, but I didn't have the intention of doing what you assumed I did. I also said I would love feedback. Saying it's rushed and lazy doesn't...
Riftzeh submitted a new map: Garden - Guardian Remake/Re-imagine from Halo 3 The short description pretty much explains itself, but this is...
Edit 2: THANKS FOR ALL THE FEEDBACK GUYS! Im new to this website and you guys have been a big help. I definitely plan to share more maps with all...