Everyone forgets that the pods could be flood dispersal pods.
Not at all. (I don't need to explain why, so stop saying this is spam.)
Nemihara OH yea ur like the only person on this site who knows i'm a /b/tard
Come on, I cant be the only libertarian on Forge Hub. Dude noway
lololololololol yes yes i do
I just don't get it though
Everyone here is like "ooo u were a mod on ForgeGuide? u must be good." But like when i say it, no one believes me.
Well, do you notice how everything has to be so upbeat and friendly here now? Like saying, jokingly, that someone sucks monkey balls, is like an...
Hey Paulie Do u remeber me. u've been busy here lol. I Never got as much remeberance from FG like Taco, Nathon, and u did. Mainly because I just...
lol nevar forget brings back memories of TGHHR.
remeber me? Proxies are php tools that block the site from seeing ur presence. skurfit.com is a good example.
I wasnt talking about u wow. Take a joke. Seriously, lighten up.
Cocky u said **** lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololoololololooololololololl
Bobby barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ftw
IS it a strip tease? HOw much for a lap dance?
lolwut? I never gave u rep at all. so........ And for me making things up? Latest Reputation Received...
Trust me if i knew, i'd tell you. its actually -69 now lol.
LOLOLOL MORE -REP from E93(moar like queef93, amirite?) for being a douche? I said no one cares. I'm right, but lets say ur dumb and disagree....
Ok I have 7 -rep referrals, so how do i have -52 total rep? Do mods and higher ranks get like double -rep?
This just In: No one cares!