WTF??? Mind is Blown!!
a lot of people share your story, including me, I wasn't very active here on Forgehub, but I was on ReachingPerfection, feels good to be back eh?
I watched 90% of the stream this past weekend, I've done a lot to my map Deity since then and will hopefully have done a lot more by Saturday, do...
to fix the bug where you have blocks that can't be selected just spawn in a couple of blocks and create a new group with them, this should take...
I don't think anything can be done to replicate the scoring system, and as such you wouldn't be able to properly trigger the phases. I don't think
Feedback on Juanez Sanchez's map Garden of Sanghelios: This another map that I am going to have a hard time coming up with any criticism for. I...
Feedback for Xandrith's map Bastille: This was another one of my favorite maps, I absolutely love the layout, and especially the way that the...
Feedback for Fraser MW's map Hexane: I don't have a lot of criticism for this map, the only thing i could say is I'm not a fan of the long empty...
Feedback for Purely Fat's map Hot Trash: I really enjoyed the environment for this map, i felt like your aesthetics really worked for it. There...
Okay here's feedback on Chron's map Chestnut, I felt like the layout of the map worked really well and ultimately would like to play it a lot more...
thx iPara!! It supports CTF, but if the teams aren't properly balanced it would probably be best to stick to Slayer, I had a Playtest on it last...
this was my thought, just a hair above the other to avoid any possible Z-fighting or other potentially bad visual phenomena. Also, I have made a...
That would be awesome if I could have my map playtested on Saturday, I don't know for sure if I will be able to participate, is that an issue? If...
Unfortunately I don't have a map thread for my map yet, I am determined to have actual gameplay screenshots/film-clips which I still need to...
No, you're good!! I appreciate all criticism!! But unfortunately it's a little too vague for me to really grasp what exactly I can do to address...
I like the look of it, didn't get a good feel for the layout based on the video, but aesthetically it looks great!! Your map seems to challenge...
Have you considered streaming this on Twitch Chronmeister? I wish there was a popular Twitch channel that just streamed custom games on forge maps...
Hmm, I'm not sure if it is a known issue. But sounds like the FX issue, and the work around I have come up with for that is to move it right next...
Just choose the right combination of directions to get the angle you want, and have the right ratio of distances, for example 1:1 if you wanted a...
As an alternative you could use an invisible light fixture, with a circle gobo projecting onto the center of your map. This would allow you to...