The gameplay from that blockout of the map is amazing. It's my kind of gameplay where movement is so crucial to it. I'd get sweaty on this. lol......
KURODA!!! As zombie said... I hope you are forging bro.
Going through this thread brings back so many memories. Miss the H3 days.
I actually watched both segments separately so the background music wasn't too bad for me. ;) Multi I honestly think these are the best map...
Around 10am today?
Glad to see this was posted. We've been playing this a ton in Customs and it is totally legit. I'll change the settings, but we found that a...
Sounds like the new playlist showed up today in the API, and apparently tradition shows that new things that come out in the API mean the update...
With the gametypes they've given us and the scripting possibilities we have enough to work with and it will keep us pre-occupied enough until we...
Don't worry @buddhacrane I'll be sure to demonstrate the possibilities of scripting for gametypes. I have more ideas than you can keep track of on...
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! A REAL DAMN TOOL!!! The possibilities are endless folks. I'm glad I put a team together, cuz there will be a lot to learn and...
Man... I was damn sure people would like the 3D variants... boy was I wrong. Goes to show I know nothing of community reaction to art. lol... I...
Finally finding time to get to this. I've been crazy busy. Thanks for the support guys. I'm looking to grow the ranks quickly to ensure that we...
December 15th for me
It has been in videos in the past so it is definitely on their mind. Hopefully nothing got in the way of it getting implemented.
I'm really excited to get home and try this out. I'm not a good shot, but I love movement based games. Hence my custom control setup for Thrust...
Introducing Creative Force:
8 years ago Forgehub's first forum thread was posted. It was a monumental event that changed so much. Thank you TrueDarkFusion and TheYavimayan...
Love you're initiative Dax and I can't wait to see where this goes. I'll fire up some questions to help solidify your design if you haven't...
Loving this... it helps to live in a state like Oregon and Colorado that makes acquisition easier due to legality.
@darkprince909 I never actually got the time to reply to that. I'm really excited to have you on as a Developer bro. The good thing about this is...