During the livestream that Nokyard hosted they encountered multiple issues on the map. Unfortunately the map they played was not the correctly...
xNFx Monsta updated Crow's Court with a new update entry: 'The Grid update' Read the rest of this update entry...
The map has now become finalised and is ready for competitive griffball. After countless and countless of hours being put into the development of...
xNFx Monsta updated Crow's Court with a new update entry: The league update Read the rest of this update entry...
Cleaned everything up, tweaked pelican animation to have it despawn after 25 seconds. Better barriers. Better spawns.
xNFx Monsta updated Crow's Court with a new update entry: 'The almost final update' Read the rest of this update entry...
Looks pretty nice, going to download this and try it out :)
This map is so pleasing to look at! Fantastic job with the colour pallet btw :) Looks like it could make it into matchmaking, very nice forging....
The map is undergoing some spawning tweaks and will have its invisible barriers raised as to not allow people to throw the ball over. Also the...
-- The map has now become finalised and is ready for competitive griffball. After countless and countless of hours being put into the development...