everyone seems to get reminded of Chill Out when looking at this map.... i never played Halo CE so i wouldn't kno... anyways, ty again for the...
if there is one thing i love about this map, its the front entrance to the bases. The bridges formed into a curved sort of ramp is just awsome......
ok well let me start by saying ty again for supporting me and the nice supportive comments you guys have left for me. ok now to the questions.......
well, if you are skilled enough, im guessing you could do just that... however, to get up into the sniper tower isn't as easy as it looks.... The...
believe me, it was unintentional....just a plus to my stupidness... lol
<3<3<3 im in love with your map... soooo good.
dang... not even 1 rule followed... o_O
when i was testing this map with a few of my friends on the king of the hill variant, one of my friends said he felt like he was being crushed...
rename the map "blue door".... seriosuly tho, i like the tower but liek everyone else said, add more to the map or gameplay could be a little...
lol, wow i never thought i'd get such good feedback. even ppl wanting to play this instant ( even tho i think he ^ is sucking up...lol jk). ty...
ehhh... i agre, the map is a bit open. also, i don't see interlocking. although it's not necessary to do so, the standards of maps today really do...
just wondering....PDZ? wats that? lol anyway, thx for the comment and dl.
pretty tight bro... nice
so get me if im wrong here, but does this map consist of a ledge circling a tower? im not too sure. thats just the impression of what im getting...
yea I guess you guys are right, ill probably add in the cover again in a few mins... lol
I really like how you made the map very open and accessible with vehicles, yet close quartered at the same time.
As far as MLG goes, i think the map is just a little too open for me. But as far as just a map in itself goes, i like it alot.
wow.... im pretty shocked actually... i was expecting ppl to say stuff like "worst map ever", but thanks. oh and about adding cover to the main...
....CRUSH.... Map Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing OVERVEIW: Crush is my first "map" I guess you...
the wooden floor is really cool....i haven't played it yet but from the pics it looks a lil confusing... i'll dl anyway tho...