It Is said at the Top that this map is intended for Save one bullet from hub of the dead, so there would be no point to add a gametype. But...
I laughed Hard at these, Still i think the ones on Oddee are even worse
Wow you finally got this up! it's not a brilliant screenshot place and i prefer to blue room, even though i normally don't take screenshots, well...
LockDown you simply amaze us with your Art, Looking at other Official Batman covers this one Beats them all. The Amount of game/dvd/anyother...
halo corpse alphabet i <3 halo 3 screenshots I was wondering if anyone knew were i could find a font converted version of this, of if anyone...
me, i either, hit a box at them then delte the box and boot him before he gets an object, or the "i always win" option; i boot them and contiue...
Theme/Image-- [IMG] Colors-- Black and red. Text-- Astronum, (quote:) Flesh Eaters, don't mind about text colour, as long as its good Border. N/A...
could be that the image is popular, but then that is awfully alike 0_o but then josh's isnt as good as that anyway :p but this indeed a...
yay credit given to me. anyway i already said it was a great sig for a first, and tutorials can be a load of good, even though sometimes there not...
Don't Worry I dont have them, Either, I'll Be Using Foundry,
Hi, I'm Astronum, I need help with a map i'm making called, Alone. I Think My Idea is original, I'm going for a kind of i am legend feel, except...
you should probably use a picture from planet renders try here: Planet Renders // Renders - Search results
Hi, I'm a beginer, at making sigs, as you could probably tell from my older sig: [IMG] I Decided, to try and follow one of the gimp tutorials...
Thanks, i would like those brushes, i just thought it would look best if the colours were the same as the render,
Hi, I'm a begeiner in the world of graphics and arts, and am hoping to improve, alot, just tel me what you think of my sigs, please give feedback...
I Changed My Page ^_^
Hi, I just came up with an idea of an infection map where everyone was infected, exept one, I Was hoping to make a city map on foundry, just...
Would it still count if people left the game, but some people stayed, and then the next day some people joined the game and the others left? If...
I would like an animation using the sprites from this webpage Game Maker Community > Halo Sprites *** Master Cheif is shooting, with an A R. it...
No i din't make them, i got the brushes from, Blood Brushes by KeRen-R by ~Project-GimpBC on deviantART