No its to small to move around on just walking. Player collision boxes are bigger as a whole now in Halo 5 So areas need to wided as a result. The...
Having played it, its way to small. Not enough room to move. It needs to be Alot bigger Pulse grenades need to be more sparsely placed amd not in...
I'm working on taking the base Ideas of Ascension, and working out the very flawed kinks to make a map with a similar concept, that is the land...
could you add more screenshots
I somewhat agree. On an map design level, it is a design that exists, and doesnt do much new, though if there is a version with alterations build...
I absolutely understand that, I really hate it when people praise the aesthetics when it kills gameplay. When I say bring out the theme more, I...
I cant comment on gameplay without playing it, but I think you should work to bring out the aesthetic more. it looks nice as is, but I think you...
Fraser M.W. submitted a new map: Covalent - Covalent? Isnt that chemistry related? Your Goddamn right it is. COVALENT Covalent is a 4v4...
COVALENT Covalent is a 4v4 symmetrical Room Based Arena map with strong, controlled verticality that focuses on making room to room combat fun...
343 arent making it though. This is speculation at its most thin, but the concept of a MOBA isnt out of grasp, since the basis is looseslyvthere...
Big structural update coming soon.
Quick addition to v1.3.0: Spawn time extension to most weapons.
V1.3.0 is out. Weapons have been moved, more flooring in the spawn rooms
Based on gathered feedback, there will be some structural changes to the spawn rooms and weapon movement. Update coming soon.
Recent Edit: The doorways to Red and Blue rooms have been widened for better play, downloadable as v1.2.3 from bookmarks
Fraser M.W. submitted a new map: Methane - Oh the fire should be igniting the Methane? Ummmm.... **** off. Methane: Methane is an Asymetric 2v2...
Methane: Methane is an Asymetric 2v2 somewhat room based map with lots of controlled verticality and a Covenant theme. Its dingy atmosphere as an...
Im having issues uploading maps from phone and tablet, dont know about PCs. Its something to do with requiring download link and banners?
No curved corners and grooves in blocks..... Please
I cant get the cameras to work in customs or follow on from each other in forge, anyone elsr know how?