You may think that however that doesn't happen on this map. The timers are set properly as well as placement so that they do not dominate. Trust...
Stone Jungle v4 Download Now!!! This took a while to perfect but it was worth it. You can't escape it. It is a jungle of stone. Radar can't...
Might want to scale those images down so they fit on the least the first one. Also...the spelling is "symbol" not simbol. Enjoy.
I am so happy that you love my map so much you want to give it more praise again. Thanks so much. Hope you have fun playing on it. Because your...
Why thank you. I agree that the wall was wonderfully made and is hard to get over unless you really try. I too agree that it is truly hard to find...
PicassosRevenge Download Now! PicassosRevenge started as Picasso's nightmare. A spiraled stone staircase rose up into the sky and then was...
-----246----- Download Now! Description 246 is named that because quite frankly I have run out of good ideas for names. 246 has 2 bases on...
CTF and Assault are two of the main gametypes. The flags spawn on the rooftops. Trust me it's a freaking blast on those two gametypes. All...
This map was designed with two cities in mind. It is divided down the middle with a wall. There is two ways to get from side to side and a...
The bridges were placed exactly how I wanted them to be. They look better to me that way:) It would not be hard to modify. Thank you for looking:)...
Looks great. I love standoff maps that don't suck.
This map has two distinctive features to it. One is a three story building. The other is a two floored parking garage with tunnels build in....
Can we possibly make it so that all the items that are supposed to be the glitch portion are spawned outside of the map completely to obscure them...
Some fence walls near the intersection were at fault but have since been cleaned up for the release that was released. The entire map is very...
Each team has its own spawn base. I also set it up so that each team has a cave as well as the main spawn area in foundry. So yes each team has...
Sadly a simple grenade jump will get you out. I ran out of materials. That and money. I will be using money glitches from now on since I am...
This map was designed for the concept of having two independent cave areas for each base as well as having interlinked tunnels that link to the...
This map has a few Indiana Jones features in it. It has caves, loot room, sealing door, Ball of Doom, Hallway of Peril, and The Pit of Certain...
The middle is open for vehicle usage as well as running out of the materials. I didn't want to use the money glitch either. I have played quite a...
10 pm Central time....I am going to be playing this map so if you want to start a game look me up. xptoast <<<is my xboxlive id to look for