Space Desert War will release 12-18-15!
building another map... here's a tip: SPACE DESERT WAR!!! i will have a release date next Friday.. so far i love this map. ^_^
love this map...
very bored
in this update i have added much more trees and grass to make a more natural feel for the new broken down small buildings... sadly i cant add...
KILLER SPARK117 updated DESERT WAR with a new update entry: added 2 buildings and map detail Read the rest of this update entry...
sounds like a plan! and i have done that! check out the latest version of the map!
in this update i have added a red base and blue base! also more map detail such as :more trees :grass :rocks and more! if their is any issues...
KILLER SPARK117 updated DESERT WAR with a new update entry: added bases and major map details Read the rest of this update entry...
great idea! i will do something like that!
KILLER SPARK117 submitted a new map: DESERT WAR - for those who like BTB maps or vehicle warfare. This map is an open map made for BTB vehicle...
This map is an open map made for BTB vehicle warfare! if you have any issues with the map please tell me right away! Thanks! this map had major...
in this small update i have now added support to the following game types King of the Hill Oddball territories also i have added more map detail...
KILLER SPARK117 updated DIG SITE with a new update entry: map now supports 4v4 slayer and more gametypes Read the rest of this update entry...
yes! i forgot to mention that! the map DOES come with excessive t-bagging! ^_^
cool thats great!
this map is great! just needs a bit more interior design for the buildings and stuff...
hello guys! remember to reply and comment on what needs fixing so i can work on it immediately! in this update i have fixed several thing! such as...
KILLER SPARK117 updated DIG SITE with a new update entry: added more windows, added more detail to map, removed column in main room, added...
making new updates to the map soon!