This screams Destiny, looks noice
Most accurate thing ever said ever.
Lots of gray, if you used something like sand or tan I feel it would look muuuuuuuuuch better
The stairs as awnings... *salivates*
Ah. Yeah that's about right
The phaeton's a boss... except when my team has it. Same goes for the mantis. Prowler was a disgrace, good thing we had the chopper. "Warthog...
Loved this map back in the day, glad to see it back with an aesthetic overhaul
No FFA spectating Warzone bases are so f*cking generic (except the spire) Armor customization is basically non-existent in 5
I *am* the Senate.
MAJOR changes to the map since I first posted it a couple weeks ago. Just to name a few big ones: Total rescaling. I shrunk parts of the map...
PharmaGangsta1 updated Charity with a new update entry: Charity 1.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
My initial reaction was that this was stolen.:mad: Then I realized it was on a completely different canvas. Glacier is clearly in the background,...
Now it's all: "Crap, there's no news.. make a top 10 list about something unoriginal, like cutscenes! Money! Like and Subscribe, Bi***es!"
Chris probably doesn't even know how to pronounce "stealing". In all seriousness, it's sad to see a channel I've been subscribed to for nearly...
Looks pretty accurate, I'll have to run a game on here later. After a game I'll come back and give feedback
Map looks sweet, gonna have to test out an 8v8 on here.
absolute dogshit jklol Good remake
I decided I'm going to be making two versions of this map, since this version plays very well with a 4v4 game. Once I shrink the map down to an...
JoeDannyMan made a Chillout remake. It's disgraceful
Zanzibar - H2 Last Resort - H3 I think someone is already tackling that