[MEDIA] Your new theme song for the map :)
oh look a happy little tree! :)
Updated log: Second story of bases provides more cover throughout while also providing a sightline to bottom mid and the other bases second...
xKAMIKAZEx updated LUCID with a new update entry: LUCID 2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
It would be nice to have a feedback section integrated into the file browser. Every map has a section to provide feedback that goes directly to...
December 11th
Absolutely. It's been a project for awhile. Only a few people have seen it till now. Thinking of ways to nicely incorporate H5's sandbox.
Thanks man! I really wanted to do more but was restricted by the piece count. Plus I forgot to put it on my fileshare... oops :P
xKAMIKAZEx submitted a new map: LUCID - Symmetric 4v4 arena syled map. Inspired by Midship. Lucid sports a very simple layout that houses a cat...
Lucid sports a very simple layout that houses a cat and mouse type of gameplay. Those who predict the enemies movement will have the upper hand....
Glad it wasn't just me. If I remember it ended in a tie 2-2 (I forgot to put overtime on). I think I just got frustrated with the framerate and...
xKAMIKAZEx submitted a new map: AEGIS - Those who seek asylum are welcome... those who seek chaos are even more so. 8-16 players. So I made this...
So I made this a few months back when everyone was doing the squad competition and finally decided to put it up. Only got one playtest on it but...
Hopefully I get off of work at a decent time tonight :P Otherwise, I'll just download it and load it up with a few buddies.
Looks smexy! But I can see a lot of people jumping off.... which isn't exactly bad. It looks like there is going to be a lot of long range fights...
xKAMIKAZEx submitted a new map: SUPREMACY - Wait... Haven't I seen this before? Empire layout on H2A with a Forerunner twist. 2-8 players....
Supremacy shares a similar layout to The Halo 5: Guardians map Empire. Those similarities end there... Supremacy is set on Delta Halo with a...
Nice map! Got to be careful when you use tin cups though. They have an invisible wall on them. If I was to stand on the grass I would not be able...
Got my gt wrong lol.... It's NGO KAMIKAZE FO :P
-Patch Notes 1.0: Raised bases to add lower level. Added lifts to the back of the bases as well as dropdowns. Added bridges from bases to side...