GT: RellimJoe Map name: Sniper Pit V2.0 Gametype to play: Sniper Pit Amount of players your map supports: 2-16 (ideally 4v4v4v4) Description: Once...
Time Delays - Could work something like this: Condition: A Delay: 5 Seconds Action: Z When condition A is met, it will wait 5 seconds then perform...
Dang alright. I was hoping to avoid honor rules if possible. Thanks for your help.
Hey all, is there any setting (or combination of settings) that would allow splatters to be the ONLY way to deal damage. I think this was possible...
I have multiple attacker and defender initial/respawn points throughout the map, but both normals and the juggernaut seem to spawn at random...
Hello all, I'm trying to create a game using the juggernaut gametype. Is there any way to force the juggernaut to spawn in a certain area or can...