Creativ submitted a new map: Standed - You have to be in Top Mid or Top Green to get the best view of the map! Top Mid, Top Green and the Pillars...
In this map I wanted to have more BR battles than normal, but I also wanted to have just a little power on the map. So I added one Rocket Launcher...
The reason why I named the map "Dehydration" is because it getting dehydrated, is not 100% dehydrated yet. YEAH!! :)
Creativ updated Dehyration with a new update entry: Picture update... Read the rest of this update entry...
Creativ submitted a new map: Dehyration - I think it's my first map with a Shotgun until Halo Reach! Symmetrical 2v2 compact map. [ATTACH]...
Look on the update page to see more pictures... My pictures failed on the description page... 4 Frag Granades 20 sec 4 Plasma Gransdes 20 sec 4...
I can't do it :/ I need to buy a capture card :/ Or can I do without it?
Creativ submitted a new map: Luminous 1v1 - It's a Asymmetrical 1v1 map. Watch out for the Fusion Coils in the Sniper spawn! Spawn time: 45...
Watch out for the Fusion Coils in the Sniper spawn! Spawn time: 45 seconds. 2 Covenant Carbines 30 sec 2 Battle Rifles 30 sec 1 Brute Shot 90 sec...
Creativ submitted a new map: Courtyard - Symmetrical competitive map. 5 Frag Grenades 5 Plasma Granades 3 Batle Rifles 3 Covenant Carbiles 2...
5 Frag Grenades 5 Plasma Granades 3 Batle Rifles 3 Covenant Carbiles 2 Brute Plasma Rifles 2 SMGs 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Overshield 1 Plasma Pistol
WOW Thanks! What's your gamertag?? O.O WOW Thanks! What's your gamertag?? O.O
Creativ submitted a new map: Mirrored - You can't walk on the water! This is an old map by me. (Not my favorite too) It's a symmetrical map...
This is an old map by me. (Not my favorite) It's a symmetrical map with 2 Sniper Rifles with 2 with magazines, spawn time 180 seconds (3...
Symmetrical 2v2 map. Perfect for 2v2 Territories! You have to play without Motion Tracker! Power Weapions 2 Sniper Rifles 120 sec (2min) Powerup...
My gamertag: o CHEEZE45 o Climb up to the high places to get control of the map! It's a symmetrical 2v2 map, but you can also play 4v4 if you want...