I have a feeling that Halo 5 forge will be coming out on December 19th just so everybody will get an equal opportunity to play it. It really sucks...
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Pumpkin Patch - Superior Forger, Race, Speed-Forge, Halloween Happy Halloween I created this Halloween...
Happy Halloween I created this Halloween themed track for a Speed-Forge off, but yet again ImSOshiftfaced chickened out. I built this map in 8...
Map: Creature Creators: SomethinLogic14 & Superior Forger [IMG]
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Creature - Superior Forger, Race, SomethinLogic14 Co-Forge Halloween Map: Creature Creators:...
Map: Creature Creators: SomethinLogic14 & Superior Forger Gametype: SF Race This map was created for the Halloween Contest at forgehub.com. The...
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Super Duper Donut - Superior Forger, Mini Game, Mayhem Map: Super Duper Donut Creator: Superior Forger...
Map: Super Duper Donut Creator: Superior Forger Variants: Free-4-All, Slayer, and Rocket Race Gametypes: Battle Mode, Last Team Standing, Rocket...
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Sequencing - Parkour, Superior Forger, Sequence jumps Sequence Jumping is my favorite kind of jumping since...
Sequence Jumping is my favorite kind of jumping since I discovered it in Halo Reach for my map The Old Factory. Some of you are probably wondering...
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Spring Expert - Parkour, Superior Forger, Spring Jumps Compete Spring Expert is a simple jump course for...
Spring Expert is a simple jump course for people that like to compete or test there spring jumping skills. I created this map because I was in a...
Prepare to see another awesome racetrack by Somethinlogic14 and I :)
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Catastrophic City - Hyrbid Co-Forge SomethingLogic14 Superior Forger Catastrophic City By: "Superior Forger...
Catastrophic City By: "Superior Forger & SomethinLogic14" I lost count of how many Co-Forges we've done in the last month or so but this is one...
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Superior Logic - Double Wide Co-Forge SomethingLogic14 Superior Forger Superior Logic By: "Superior Forger...
Superior Logic By: "Superior Forger & SomethinLogic14" This track was forged for Battle Tracks, however after testing the map with just 4...
You just suck at driving.
Superior Forger submitted a new map: Extinction - Double Wide Co-Forge SomethingLogic14 Superior Forger Extinction By: "SomethingLogic14 &...
Extinction By: "SomethingLogic14 & Superior Forger" You may be wondering how this map started... Well, let me tell you. I had the idea to do 2...