Ok good! Btw what are you working on?
GT: Black Picture NAME OF MAP : Fragment DESCRIPTION: an after math of a breakout station (absolute) falling out of orbit. 4v4 slayer, strong...
GT: Whos Blaze NAME OF MAP: Goliath (1.x.0) 4v4 odd ball, team slayer, strong hold Moon base Goliath is an moon outpost.
nice little spot light you got there @Demption https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/halo-community-update-the-road-ahead...
Sounds like a fun twitch to watch. Hopefully I can sneak it in tonight! O_o
I was goofing around with making hindges for the game. You can also make a drawbridge using this method. And I made a rope bridge as well (see...
Gamertag: Black Picture Maps submitted: lockage, Ohadi Campaign: Halo CE Mission: the silent cartographer Difficulty: Easy score 1404 Timing:10:11
magic BR haunts you.
Halo or racing????? hummmmmm........
Decided to map a second map for the 1v1 contest, decided to only give myself a day of designing the map and a coupe hours of touch up after play...
1v1 map. A map with different play spaces that players can use for their play style while designing the level with aesthietic and ambient map...