Thank you for the comment. Please let me know what you think after you play them.
That sounds great! I will check out the stream Saturday. Thank you for testing with a large group, I look forward to hearing what you all think....
I have three maps to submit. All of these are my original creations and have been a labor of love. Please send me any feedback you have. GT= I...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Haptic - Symmetrical map designed with 2v2/4v4 Arena focused Haptic is an original design that has an organic...
GT= I LoTuS I Haptic is an original symmetrical design that has an organic flow with long sight-lines across specific areas of the map. With...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Delinquent - Bi-Level symmetrical arena focused map with echoes of Derilect and foundation Delinquent started...
GT = i LoTuS i Delinquent started with the simple concept. A bi-level, high perimeter ring, and four outstretched bridges toward top center,...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Battle Canyon - Battle Canyon is a reimagining of Battle/Beaver Creek that is rebalanced for Halo 5 physics...
GT= I LoTuS I This is not a remake. Perfectly balanced with a large trench connecting each base and a bridge spanning between the sniper huts...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Mythik - This is for the Pros! "Classic HCS style in a new package." This map is best for HCS Slayer,...
Mythik is a tournament style 2v2, 4v4 map in the same vein as beloved classics Sanctuary and Onslaught. The match starts in an open floorplan two...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Power Tower - Verticality - thats the best way to describe power tower. pictures don't show how this map flows, if...
Power tower is the most vertical map of the suite, as the name implies the best strategy is to find a way to the top! Good news for you is there...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Hexik - FFA favorite 1v1 2v2 4v4 Slayer, Ball, KOTH, CTF this map is a symmetrical bi-level hectic team-shot...
From your spawn you can take the immediate ramp at your 12 to go for the snipe directly in from of you, but beware of cross shots from the...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Tortuga - 1v1 2v2 4v4 FFA - Circular tournament style competitive HCS map - lots of jumps and paths for the...
Tortuga is a circular map that looks simple at first glance but with many places for cover and lots of hidden jumps/paths this has become a...
Jack Bell submitted a new map: Justice - Symmetrical 1v1 2v2 4v4 HCS settings competitive map - SLAYER, FFA, CTF, KOTH, BALL - tight quarters...