♫ Yeti submitted a new map: Heatwave - a re- imagination Heatwave is a re-imagining of Halo: CE's Chillout. What I tried to do on this map is...
Heatwave is a re-imagining of Halo: CE's Chillout. What I tried to do on this map is clean up some sight lines and make overall movement around...
Map looks sick! Can't wait to play it!
Ricochet can be sweaty... sometimes...
Really!? No Tesla! That map deserves to be in here. (Obvious sarcasm is obvious)
This is so cool!
If Tesla wins...
Looks like I'm moving to Russia!
Icky, a symmetrical 2v2, is one of my first maps in Halo 2. And one of my first competitive maps that I actually put thought into. When I made...
I hope this patch works. Because if it doesn't, I am going to go back to Rayman Legends.
Yeah Orzium!
Hey Forgehub! My name is Yeti! I came hear from Halo Customs hoping to meet more fantastic people!