I probably should update with some new pictures, but the general layout isn't too different. You can jump up from the platform with a crouch jump...
I'm gonna add that i don't believe this is really an issue. Remakes are a different conversation because they are literally taking existing halo...
I agree with your statements especially if you are going into forge with the intention of making a competitive environment. I also believe there...
This was created as my second entry to the 2v2 map contest. It has been done with the building phase for a while and needs more testing to see...
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/xXxMENTALxXx/video/13844423 Close enough right?
Awesome, i'm sure this will help a lot of people out. To anyone who tries this turrets and weapons are likely to cause a crash if attempted to weld.
Actually yes, though i scaled back the size/complexity since the pace of that game is way higher. Here is the only video I could find of it, if...
Optimized piece usage. Changed man-cannon slightly away from wall to allow it to arc properly. Added location callouts to all areas i could. A...
Erk updated Castle with a new update entry: Optimization, location callouts, moved railgun to bottom level Read the rest of this update entry...
Here is an idea for a possible solution to giving blocks real textures. If we had the ability to give any block the projected terrain feature but...
GT: xXxMENTALxXx http://www.forgehub.com/maps/castle.1059/ [IMG]
Map: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/castle.1059/ GT: xXxMENTALxXx This was intended for 2v2 but it is large enough 4v4 may work. Objective...
Erk submitted a new map: Castle - Asymmetric castle map with moderate vertical gameplay and semi-limited pathways. A castle seated between two...
A castle seated between two mountains, blocked in by the surrounding snow and ice. I built this map as an attempt to test my ability to create an...
Not a huge deal at the moment but soccer balls are not affected by explosions. Gungoose shots, wraith shots, rockets, all do nothing to it.
I'll be sure to add people from this thread. GT: xXxMENTALxXx
Very few games have meaningful content release on a monthly basis... unless i'm playing the wrong games. Forge is the one big update that will...
I'm interested to see what kind of crazy new gametypes/mini games can come out of the new forge systems. I really hope there are a few returning...
December 15th please.
I lost a majority of my games in FFA (probably 7 out of 10) and still got onyx somehow... I thought it was bugged. As for this glitch, i'm not...