Remember, you're talking about the same community that upvoted a picture of a dong made of bullet-holes to the front page with over 1000 votes not...
Users have recently discovered the saved map file limit in Halo 5 is 40 (proof here). Furthermore, I went ahead and downloaded a bunch of random...
Post that in the maps section. This thread is for showing off and discussing our WIPs.
I too thought about something like this. I was also thinking of some kind of search where you type in, for example, "rail" and the search would...
ForgeHub should do another 2v2 Banks Contest but this time with trapezoids or cylinders.
I'm not sure why choosing 343's style of Forerunner aesthetics is the end of the world. Explain it again. [IMG] I love you, you love me We're a...
Probable now that I think of it. My mistake.
Detailed aesthetics that we really haven't been able to achieve to this extent in previous iterations of forge is generic?
Just leave it blank, I would assume.
Like Debo said, if you're into yelling at it to do some tasks faster and lazier, then it could be worth it for you. There are some games like...
My friend used duct tape to temporarily cover up a hole in his car tire in the middle of winter about four years ago... I was never in the same...
I just started work on this potential Clue map (don't hate me plz) already just cause. If Clue doesn't work out in the future then I will likely...
Yet again, 343 failed to deliver by giving us a web-based file browser which may or may not come in the future so there are no links to download...
Him and his friend did some testing lobbies tonight after he hastily set up some basic spawn points in a matter of 2 minutes after freeing up some...
You never know. I don't know how this stuff reacts but if it matters, the Star-Field fog effect seems like it would be less demanding than every...
Herro 4chub, today I bring you some neat rain and snow effects I discovered using the 'Star-Field' fog effect if you guys ever want to give the...
Huge oversight: Players can download anybody's saved variant regardless if they were not "bookmarked" to the File Share This is a major issue...