Ok gotcha. I won't be able to fix it until next week, but I'll get to it :)
Oh ok gotcha. I thought in Zanzibar it was in that location, but maybe I'm wrong. But if not, I kind of don't mind it there since it's a remake...
Added gameplay footage :)
Oh lol. Oops :/
Not with the bugs that are currently in forge :( I've had multiple forgers try to help me, but have had no luck. I almost had the drop bridge...
Thanks! Glad you like it. And thanks for suggesting to use respawn zones to scale properly from my Launch Pad post. That really helped out with...
xXBarthXx submitted a new map: Turbine - A remake of Zanzibar/Last Resort from Halo 2/3. 4-12 players. Supports all gametypes. xXBarthXx This is...
VERSION 2.4 :)PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW/FEEDBACK IF YOU HAVE A CHANCE :) Please leave a comment/review of the map discussing what you...
Lol I see the Millennium Falcon in one of the pics :) But this looks pretty sweet, just going off the pictures it looks very well done. I'm gonna...
Looks absolutely amazing. Almost looks as if these pictures are from Halo 2 with enhanced graphics. I will definitely be downloading this. Well...
Some infection gameplay: [MEDIA]
Yeah, some other people have said that too. I may go back and fix it up where it's needed. I just had a little trouble since this was my first map...
Yeah, I know some areas are a little small, I may go back and try to fix them. And that's a pretty nice technique you mentioned. I'll try it...
This looks incredible! Definitely gonna download this. Great job!
xXBarthXx submitted a new map: Launch Pad - A remake of Countdown from Halo Reach. Best for 2-12 players. Supports Slayer, Strongholds, and...
This is a remake of Countdown from Halo Reach. Introducing, Launch Pad! This map is a pretty accurate remake, with just a few minor changes.Almost...
Official forger for Forge Factory! Checkout ForgeFactory.net for a wide variety of high-quality maps made by experienced forgers.
I guess I won't have to remake this in Halo 5 lol
No problem! You did a great job and I'm so happy you're map got featured on Waypoint :)
xXBarthXx submitted a new map: Valhalla - The crew of V-398 barely survived their unplanned landing in this gorge... this curious gorge. 8-16...