First Ivory Tower remake I've ever seen. This is pretty amazing, especially considering that you didn't use the unlimited budget glitch. It looks...
Thanks to everyone who replied, my problems are solved :)
Thanks. Will deleting the unnecessary 6 starting points also fix my problem with free for all spawns?
1. When in Forge looking at the gametype "Slayer" on default Sandbox, I found that there is only one "Attacker" and one "Defender" starting point,...
I need to get in the habit of including huge epic structures in my maps. Seems Containment-esque. Is this made with larger groups of players in...
Yeah I kind of wish I had used it. But I was hoping to post it in the group for submitting maps for matchmaking, and they don't allow budget...
Welcome to Forge Hub! Anyway thanks, and the maps are great. April 9 is almost here! :)
Where exactly?
Actually you flipped them. It actually was Battle Creek in Halo 1 and Beaver Creek in Halo 2. I would have used the UBGed map if I had started...
This idea is something I was toying with from the beginning but never got around to adding due to the budget, but I will definitely add this in...
Yeah I had a picture of the flag spawns, and I had a sentence saying sorry for not including those :( At the time I didn't have enough budget so I...
Well then try to make it yourself in the skybox. I did... and it sucked. The budget didn't allow me to make accurate bases, an accurate arch, the...
Thanks, yeah the arch was thicker and it leaned a bit to the red side (which I realized after I had finished), which is another liberty I had to...
I have thought about this, but it was a conundrum because I has $4 left for Budget. I think I have a way to fix this for a v2, which I am...
Battle Creek This map is a fairly accurate remake of the map Battle Creek from the original Halo. All the objective spawns are identical to where...
I was thinking that you could move the rocket island far away from the main structure so that jumping the mancannon will just barely get you back...
From first glance it looked a bit linear, but now I see the multiple levels and know better. The long "tube segment" hallways look a bit...
Doesn't look that sloppy to me; to me it looks like a decent map. I like the central structure and how the Overshield is on a pedestal. However...
I would have to agree with the above, looks like a nice map but definitely needs some cover, maybe in the form of "Wedge, Long"s. I have found...
The way the bases are set up implies that flag captures will be very fast due to the open top levels and how close they are together. Just wanted...