Nerdgasm. yup, that sums this up. I've been wanting to see this, and now i have to convince someone to take me. The plot kind of reminds me about...
I'll go and see it. At first, i was psyced, I remember watching the show way back when. But then i saw the trailer for it, and, meh. It just...
You know, i wonder how many people actually adhere to the "for backups only" rule. It's not like the feds can check it or anything... And no, i...
Oh, that. :) I know what that is, then. Ill have to change it, then. Thanks Off topic: I just realized we dont have a smiling squirrel smilie
Hmm... can someone explain the dead lift to me? Ive never heard of it before. Oh, and TXGhost: Holy .... your tall.
I would say Infinity, Icy Fields, and This one forest like level that was on Halo Pc. I remember playing on that level and it being really fun....
Wow. I dont use Itunes, and i dont think the Zune Program does play count. But still, the songs i generally listen to most are "Sweet Child O'...
Sure, I weight lift. It's fun, except on days when we run. I suck so much at running, i kinda dont feel like weight lifting on those days....
wait, it uses mouse controls?......... :squirrel_sad: No wonder i couldnt get it to work the first time i tried playing it. I thought it looked...
I could probably get much farther the 13, but i keep colliding with the stupid missles. and the boss itself
Yup, i'm getting them SoulTyrant02 /signed
Sweet, I love playing on my DS. I cant list all my games, but the most prominent are Mario Kart, the two Advance Wars titles, and yes, i do have...
I mainly focus on the sides, and occasionally the front part, and end up with the Asura. I probably would never get the scorpion, i dont use the...
I just made it to 13 the other day. The Asura was hard, it took up so much of the screen.
Ok. Tell, what can grow on glass? According to Halo: First Strike, Nothing is left on a glassed planet but glass and cinder. Go ahead and check,...
But the thing is, the Covenant "Glassed" Tau Ceti. There is no possible way the humans could recolonize it, because it had no atmosphere....
Yes, Marathon is an FPS, made by Bungie before Halo. However, i wouldn't say they have the same gameplay. Similar, maybe (It's been awhile since i...
Can't you just use the "Hyperlink" (Or is it Insert Link?) button? I embedded a video like that, when i just wanted to put in a link.
Well, I'm sorry if you didn't understand my post. To me, it made perfect sense and was a counter to one of your posts. But thats my opinion. Which...
Please, tell me what makes you say this. I happen to also know that like 30 years or so before Halo even started, the spartans were making a...