Forgers, who make competitive maps and think it makes them superior over forgers from other categories, should ****ing get off their high horses...
Why do you need a co-forger for it? I would gladly help on visuals, but I suppose you already want to make most (all) of them. :)
Video quote: "Super skilled friends online", "Not the best gameplay" Damn son! I think you don't know my Halo career at all. That was my first...
I ask that, since the name should be connected with the theme in my opinion. That's all. :)
Buddy Jumps submitted a new map: Wrong Turn - Adventure map that plays with light and shadow in an interesting way. "Your car starts to slide on...
"Your car starts to slide on a mountain road. Before it falls into the canyon you are able to jump out. Unfortunately you slid into a glacier...
I'm so sorry for setting the highest standard when it comes to LOTR. Once again, it's a decent recreation, but far away from being fantastic; I...
I can prove my points with pictures, Cujo, if you need help remembering the exact look of Helm's Deep. I find it pretty amusing that you have got...
You can easily forge on the outside of Overgrowth by just flying through the windows. :)
This new design looks fresh! Only thing I don't like is the font used for the map names. It is kind of uncomfortable to read. :) I think an...
For your first map since Reach this is pretty decent. However the proportions and basic forms are way off the original shown in the movies. The...
This new iteration of Forge is pretty unpractical.
Three random map circuits I did on the first day (no gadgets). Maybe you can use a few of these routes to your advantage. [MEDIA] Also, Narb...
I think for its quality it comes up far too often. I don't know if it's just me, but when I do play Breakout this map comes up 70% of the times...
IF it worked how it was supposed to you would have to start all over again if you pressed a wrong switch you know? That's how I thought about it....
I don't know about you guys, but I can see a face on the fourth picture (not the skull). :)
Thanks @MarcoStyleNL for your review! I fully agree with you that the way I made the code puzzle might not be the most optimal. Originally I...
You have to be quick about it. ;) Each following column stays active for four seconds. There is no bug.
Thank you @buddhacrane for this quality review! I appreciate that you consider this map being more of an adventure map than a standard puzzle map...
Buddy Jumps submitted a new map: Honor - Aesthetical building in the desert made with one core principal of aesthetics in mind: Symmetry....