Damn that is sexy.
I'm going with the 16th.
I like your points about new forgers. If this community is going to grow we need veteran forgers along with new forgers. Even if someones map is...
Inspiration for me can come from pretty much anywhere. Different architecture and natural environments often spark a bit of inspiration. Of coarse...
This would be really great. Its really the only thing missing from the three canvases were getting. I personally think that Alpine, Glacier and...
I'm gonna reiterate a bit on what Multi said above and something that I agree with greatly. You need to have a vision of what you want your map...
Yes definitely read forge fundamentals. I've read it several times. It was really helpful for me. As for spawning it took me awhile to make...
This just might be my favorite Breakout map.
I agree with Chunk. If you already have the videos done then just release them. Clearly there are people who want to see them.
Although its missing forge and some game types at launch. I'm enjoying H5 far more I ever enjoyed Reach or 4. Forge I need you...
Graph paper is the way to go for me. Its a good way for me to get an idea going before I hop into forge. So I normally will do a sketch or two on...
This all look really great. Colsons aesthetics always make my maps look sad. Good job guys.
This is something I have also thought about. Could be interesting, not sure how it would work though. Not to mention you would need an audience of...
Wow this must of taken a while to write. This is definitely an interesting idea. It would be cool if you could get a dedicated group of people to...
WTF Man! Was the first thing I said when I saw this map. It is pretty cool though. Its fun to play and its purple and you can't go wrong with purple.
I remember seeing this map super early on. Definitely a cool and fun map.
You kicked my ass on this map a few times. Haha. Still a cool map thought. I like it.
Thanks man!
Wow honestly after playing all the great squad maps everyone made I never thought that Unearthed would win. Congrats to both Entrenched and...
Really well put together video, I really enjoyed it. I agree with most of what you said. Over a period of time all of these 'rules' tend to make...