I am the same way... Thats why I have been streaming my forge sessions with other forgers to talk about design and other fun things also....
@Squally DaBeanz ... New Halo comes out.....Hey guys I am working on a new map...... Let me guess STIGMA v whatever
There is a glitch if you thurster through the teleporter you come out the wrong direction. I think the same for shoulder charge
I know it's a two fold department, visual and layout. I was just saying this forge community has been inspiring me and it's making me want to do...
Not going to lie every time I get on forge with other people. There creativity is so inspiring. I never knew we had so many artist and people this...
Wow so that's the mall map. On a side note. I hate when files glitch Having to reforge your map because of glitches sucks. Hopefully will have...
I don't think your a douche for saying what you think. But I disagree with Goat not being a competent designer. I think he fully understand map...
We all know there is no such thing as a "perfect map". What Goat was trying to say was perfect to him. Every forger has that one map where they...
In the Begining :)
Working with @A 3 Legged Goat has been a different process then I have ever come across. The closest thing would be working with Fritzster. Both...
I don't to jump into these debates often but hey. These are views you may agree or disagree Vertically is how vertical your map is along the z...
Why dose this look so familar...
@purely fat . Sweet thats good to hear. I am trying to become a active member again in terms of feedback and interacting with the community....
@A 3 Legged Goat . Thanks for the kind words. I am glad I could help.
Well this pathing wise is a huge improvement. I been following the project for so long I am actually playing with the design also. The more I run...
[img] So this is what I have been working on. After playing some games on it I am redesigning the bases to allow for more spawns. So thats why...
The map looks really great. Though its hard to see the layout from the pictures cant wait to download and see if its a good map
Lights s don't take up light map. You should try and unbake some objects.
So glad the forge community is active again. In other news hopefully will be play testing a map soon