You don't owe an apology to anyone. If anything we owe one to you. We were stupid, young, and bratty. I'm happy for you though. Continue doing...
I don't know if you did and when did you take a game design class?
It really was a holyfuckwithmyheadfuckeveryonearoundme moment
Oh yea, but you aren't really given much freedom to dictate your own actions throughout the game though. It's either you do this or don't play the...
I think there is one quest that was morally challenging. Granted I didn't realize until later that there was another way out, but given the...
I haven't looked into any mods personally, but I got the expansions with the game. All totaled it was $10. It's not a game that is 'must have'...
On a side note I'm heavily enjoying Fallout: New Vegas. Skryim is definitely more polished, but I prefer New Vegas because it's more relevant....
So move convo to private?
I'd love to, it's just where do I dive from? Where into? What method should I use for myself that not only develops skills for future use, but...
Not very far :(
Working, school, and dipping my feet into the vast ocean of game development.
So what creative projects are you working on?
Chrome **** peg, c'mon, been waitin'. DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING...hanging...hanger...your mouth is like a hanger with those teeth you silly brit....
I can't offer much advice on what you should purchase, but do a little research for yourself. 1. Don't build a laptop, just don't even go...
Yea I really dont have much else to say in this thread. I dont want to give any detailed opinions on the game as it would just probably piss you...
I agree with sarge, I would just take them out and add three dashes on the opposite side. Actually scratch that, I just don't think the...
Moar like nolegpoke
What did you conclude?
Pretty much.
Starting in the land of reality and moving on into fantasy... Currently, working and going through school. Undergrad in IT or engineering,...