December 21st
Hello stranger.
I will, with tons of inspiration from Tesla!
But do you hunt the truth?
Pretty ashamed I was mentioned in this lol
This place needs more green.
It's great to see Infection maps are surfacing again!
Infection along with one sided objective gametypes when played on a map will despawn objects placed on the map for the players who are not host sadly.
I don't care Shore it was pretty deserving since I got attacked out of nowhere.
No one is forcing you to watch it and yet you're acting like a brat because he didn't listen to you please grow up :)
Diesel already approved by Tes.... Nikola Tesla.
You still got a thfe feature, though I can't say the same for Tesla :P
I am dissapointed 343i.
is not associated with Greenskull or mr greenwithagun