I wish I hadn't gone up those stairs. I should've stayed at the bottom and let some other poor bastard make the discovery. But how could I ignore...
This forum is so dead tho. let me think of something
Oh are you talking a8out the military? that's cool man
get a jo8
I wish I hadn't gone up those stairs. I should've stayed at the 8ottom and let some other poor 8astard make the discovery. 8ut how could I ignore...
Paul is dead
8reaking 8ad is my favorite show only 8ecause it lets me use 8 more often
woah cool. I've only seen two episodes.
casual racism is the 8est kindare you talking a8out the rapper Nas? I have illmatic on vinyl
:::: ( so mean
It's just a joke SJ :::: (
yer mum was a 8it l8 on that m8
I'm currently getting 50 mil cookies per second
Happy 8irthday Grif <3<
cookie clicker - the only winning move is not the play
http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/ why aren't you playing the game of the year?
Grif doesn't know a8out devo
(it's a secret)