Envy is a visually stunning racetrack that's brimming with unique elements throughout it's long course. While it does have its drawbacks (a few...
Suspension was incredibly easy to escape -- you can effortlessly jetpack over the coliseum walls and into Quarry. Besides that, though, it was a...
The problem with Race and Rally in MM is that Bungie just threw mongooses onto a default map like Spire and called it a race. Forged racetracks...
Although I wasn't able to actually play test this map with a group of people, I couldn't find a single area in which you would accidentally drown....
This is a masterpiece. Your attention to detail is impressive. Unfortunately, it may also be Vanilla's downfall. This otherwise perfect map is...
This is by far the best remake of the best map from Halo 3. It's a shame that it suffers from FPS issues. Also, some of Guardian's signature jumps...
Could you set fusion coils to fall on and detonate on the Falcon at the beginning of the round? With enough explosives, anything is possible!
I think I see where you're going with this. However, I doubt that this is possible to construct, considering the resource restraints that you'd...
Add me if you still need any testing done. GT: kA assassin
That's actually pretty cool! When you say "Action" do you mean that there is action occurring in the shot and it was staged? Or was this just a...
I'm predicting that Reach will be the number one multiplayer title of 2010. Red Dead wins for action/adventure and Limbo for download. I doubt...
The void made by Brute technology first introduced in Halo 3 will hurt most of all. Spike Grenades, Firebombs, Choppers... at least the Gravity...
Enjoyment I had quite a bit of fun playing this. It's not terribly easy, nor is it excruciatingly difficult. There are some sections that may...
I do, just not on any simple kill. The criteria for me teabagging a player is this: The kill must have been performed by only me, the method of...
Personally, I enjoyed their presence. Elephants were often utilized in objective based games (i.e. CTF), but not so much in matchmaking. There...
Looks like a classic case of excessively-high-analog-stick-sensitivity-syndrome... and a mediocre driver. We'll find out for sure on Sept. 14.
What a pleasant introduction/blatant recruitment attempt... Anyways, the website looks relatively decent; I might just check it out. First,...
I'm approximately two hours in and I am absolutely delighted. The design is unique, the puzzles are clever, and the gameplay is (so far) always...
Remember me? I helped you test some of your maps, most notably Pennyless. I'm trying to become active here once more before Reach drops. Maybe we...
I doubt that there will be any where I'm located. Besides, I prefer the comfort of my own room.