Agh I missed it. Is there anywhere where feedback on the maps played was posted?
Valojiztov submitted a new map: Shaken - Asymmetrical map built for slayer/oddball/KOTH "Frequent earthquakes have caused the structures here to...
"Frequent earthquakes have caused the structures here to crumble before they could be finished." When I started to make this map I wanted to...
Awesome! That's good to hear. Any suggestions on improvements?
Map: Ransack Author: Valojiztov Gametype: Squad One Flag CTF File share Gamertag: Valojiztov Forgehub Link:...
Valojiztov submitted a new map: Ransack - Invade the fortress. Steal the flag. A large abandoned building that has been vacant for years until...
A large abandoned building that has been vacant for years until now. Built for 5v5 1 Flag CTF. There are some frame rate issues due to the terrain...
Valojiztov submitted a new map: Telesto - Battle it out in space ruins - slayer/oddball These ruins were discovered on this asteroid. Where it...
These ruins were discovered on a rogue asteroid. Where it originally belonged to remains a mystery. There are suspicions that these are the...
Thanks for the feedback. I'd meant to put it as a 4v4 map. I must have hit the 3v3 by mistake.
Valojiztov submitted a new map: Hinterland - A large/medium map built for Neutral & 1 Flag CTF A long distance map built primarily for 1 flag...
A long distance map built primarily for 1 flag ctf. This map features an uphill battle to gain the flag from its stronghold and return it back to...
An old water filtration facility that has fallen into disrepair and become obsolete in it's purpose. Built mainly with team doubles in mind. The...
2.1 Update In this version the AR is moved to the central area above and the Brute plasmas are moved below to the AR's old spot. The...