I really like this style of map making , which i admire as i have never really been able to master it on impact . Keep up the good work .
from what i have seen from the pictures it looks like it is a bit too open and may prove to be difficult for some players to navigate their way...
I am really liking the geometry of of this map and i think it plays really well , but my one problem is that i would like to see more pictures to...
Description : This map is a small slayer map which is designed for 4-8 players and consists of close quater battles. I liked how this map turned...
i have to say that the map looks very clean and balanced , and what i saw from the video the gameplay looks like a blast .
this appears to be a well thought out map which seems balanced and looks like tons of fun , i will definitely consider downloading this map .
Description : This map is a designed to be a slayer map , and is suited to 4 - 8 players in a game . The gameplay consists of mid range...
i understand that maybe this was not my finest work , but i would appreciate it if you would be more understanding in the fact that i am still...
i just would like to say that i think you have integrated your map with the forerunner structure on ravine very well , which is impressive as some...
description: This map was created in about 5 hours and is suited for big team and normal slayer gametypes in which the gameplay consists of mid to...
realy liking this first map which you have posted , considering the fact i have also just started and am trying to create a map which is well...
i am still generally new to forge hub and am still trying to figure out how everything works , but i will try to improve some info given in future...
my map